3.The phrase was caught on and immediately became popular.
4.I caught him on the chin with a straight left.
5.Being a foreigner, he did not catch on the joke.
他是个外国, 理解这个笑的含意。
6.Would you mind repeating that? I didn't quite catch on.
7.He caught me up on what's happening at the front.
8.I caught my coat on a loose brick projecting from the wall.
9.Fran slipped the catch on the door, then turned to say good-bye.
10.I caught on to what it was the guy was saying.
11.As the fish snaps at the bait, it gets caught on the hook.
饵时, 就被钓钩上。
12.The students soon caught on to the idea that phrasal verbs are not really difficult.
13.He tried to buffalo me at first meeting but I soon caught on to his tricks.
初次见面时他企图欺骗我, 但是我很快就明白了他耍的花招。
14.He has been catched on spot of his stealing, erenow I have believed all along that he's a frank person.
15.George Woolf: What Let him catch me on the backstretch You know, you're not the only one who knows this horse.
16.Jennifer : It's a tossup between the foot warmer and drink warmer. With my luck, the blanket would probably catch on fire.
17.This has the vital significance to catch on the kernel layer of operating system, to dialyse process principle, to discover and study the new Scheduling Algorithm.